Monday, July 7, 2014

"Whoops, didn't see that microwave."

Quote of the day goes to my lovely roommate Paige.
So I've discovered that it is very much a thing that French people don't use dryers for clothes. They just hang them outside. I think this is the strangest thing. I know that's how they used to do it but using a dryer just seems natural. In other news I have clean, air dried clothes now.
Today I had my first French history class in French. All we really talked about was the Renaissance and Robelais because he is right from this area, one of the school buildings is named after him. Almost the entire class was their because their school required it.
Today we celebrated le Fête des Étoiles. It was introduced as a Chinese tradition but students from Japan and Korea both claimed similar traditions.
You write a wish or dream on a ribbon and tie it to a tree. Mine is in there somewhere.

My friend Jianna showed us some Korean writing, here she is writing her wish that her new friends Anne and Erin be happy. 

I love you and Jianna's Korean name. 

The view I had later as I actually beat Jianna in chess! (St. Martin's Basilica) 

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