Thursday, July 31, 2014

Last night in Europe

So I'm still dreadfully sick and totally looking forward to ten hours in a metal tube tomorrow. I guess I am homesick though. I want American sized drinks, pizza by the slice, English, my own room, American food, my car, school, frosting, and to not be electrocuted. (But seriously, I've gotten so used to it that I can literally sit there while being continuously electrocuted. It's something to do with the converter.) That's not to say I won't miss being in France immensely. (Italy, beautiful as it is, was not my cup of tea.) Enough of my misery, enjoy some photos:
So apparently this is not in fact the Coliseum but I don't care enough to look up it's actual name. 
This wall is about 2000 years old.

More stuff that's as old as Jesus.

This is where St. Peter, and a boatload of other Catholics, were persecuted. 

In my words: "Let's enjoy visiting the place where our ancestors in Christ were brutally murdered for their faith."

I'm sure something in this photo is important, it's certainly old.

More ruins. 

So today we visited the catacombs of St. Sebastian. Aka THE catacombs. As in they're the catacombs and all the other catacombs are named after these catacombs. Catacomb means near the cave in Greek and we even got to see said cave. They were very interesting and we got to see the original burial place of St. Sebastian and original Christian graffiti - and by Christian graffiti I mean prayers (pretty much all to Peter and Paul) written on the walls. The church above was pretty too. One thing I've noticed about churches here is that the Blessed Sacrament is normally kept at a side altar. This surprises me because my church did that too and then a few years ago the Tabernacle was moved to the center of the church behind the altar. I thought that that was the proper place but perhaps not. Anyway, I've got to get to sleep - early flight tomorrow.  

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