Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Just imagine that I found another stupid quote about life without the internet

Day, I can't remember, still no internet at home, and the places to find it at the Institut are getting rarer. Things look bleak but I am hoping to pull through.
Today I had my last litterature class, I am not sad to see it go. I went out with my friends for lunch at Wazawok, it was a very nice Asian food place. I really liked the food at it was a good price.
Oh, so yesterday I had civilization class right? And the class is sitting there for a half hour when someone went to the office and found the teacher who came back and told us that apparently nobody remembered to tell the students that it was canceled and moved to a day where only a few students could even go. Things that upset me.
The Cathedral here is right next to the Musée des Beaux Arts which made me recall a poem I had to read in high school by W.H. Auden. Funny story about the Cathedral. That's where I went to Mass Sunday and when I was leaving the house my roommate said it looked like it wasn't going to rain so I left my umbrella at home. Then what happens not ten minutes later (on our half hour walk) the sky opens up. We were absolutely drenched by the time we got there. And on the way back we were still quite soggy. I can't imagine what the other parishioners must have thought.
Any of Giggle's kids following this?

I'm sure there is much more to say but at the moment I can't think of it. Fare thee well faithful and unfaithful followers, until the réseau (Wifi network) appears again.

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