Friday, July 18, 2014

"Life isn't just life anymore, it's plugged in. All the time."

Sad quote but true. Which is why yesterday with no wifi was such trouble. I couldn't talk to anyone, I couldn't check anything, I couldn't even turn my homework in. It is sort of sad that it is what the world has come to. Oh well, wifi is back. I came home while the guy was still working and I even understood all his techie talk!
Today my beautiful friend Jianna convinced me to go out to lunch with her and we found an 'American style' diner.
Her looking all serious and stuff.

The decoration was so cute.

Really brought back memories of home.

I got a "New York" burger. 

 Then afterwards we went to the sweet shop, the chocolate gourmet looking one.
I got a green apple lollipop, my host mother asked me how old I was. It was really good though, if oddly shaped.
Tomorrow we go to Mont Saint Michel and Saint Malo. 
Now I go close the window more because it is thunder storming which I completely missed by listening to the entire How to Train Your Dragon 2 soundtrack for the soundbit that has been going through my head the entire week. It was of course the last one played. 
Once again shoutout to anyone who knows where the title quote comes from.

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