Thursday, July 24, 2014

I could get used to a view like this. Yep, I'm used to it. Guys I want a castle.

Title quote from Tangled.
So yesterday I visited Amboise and Clos Lucé, well I already said that didn't I.

More castle



view featuring Ashley

still more view


another view

panoramic view

panoramic view 2

this hall smelled like Christmas and looked like Hogwarts

big fireplace

I guess that's why it smelled like Christmas

What is this, Grimmauld Place? 


I guess they had stuff and decided to put it in a room

view from tower

panoramic view from tower

type of house me and my friend liked

another view

I lost track of the flights we went down to get out of that stupid castle

Leonard(o) daVinci's house

I mean castle


I just felt that there were a lot of different eras represented here

La Jaconde

armoured tank as designed by daVinci

This is for my mother who thinks I don't drink enough. (P.S. Does anyone know where I can get Oasis in the US?)
Now I have to go deal with the fact that my class meets outside but it is currently raining. 

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