Saturday, July 26, 2014

Benvenuti in Italia!

Is that how you say welcome to Italy? I wouldn't know. Not speaking Italian is really a problem. I don't recall ever being in a place where I couldn't speak the language before. I mean French can be confusing sometimes but I can communicate well enough to get my point across. Here I can say good day, at the side of, thank you, yes, for a table you need wood, and good. Not really a working vocabulary. It was great to see my family again. I realized I hadn't talked to my brother the entire time. No big loss on either side. Our hotel here is beautiful, very much exactly what I think of when I think Italy. I'm looking forward to Mass tomorrow. I doubt I will actually understand anything but as I probably said before one of the best parts about being a part of the Universal Church is that no matter what language the praise and love are the same. And so is Amen. Oh, I do know how to say peace, that's useful! I'm hopeful being here and listening will help me when singing in Italian, I know I can do it well enough but better is always better.
Today was a long day, I think sleep is in order right now.
First views of Italy

Brother fell asleep with phone in hand
Real Italian food! (I'm still partial to New York pizza)

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