Wednesday, July 30, 2014

"If I don't make it, tell my parents I died of ice cream poisoning."

But really though. My family is out on a private tour of the coliseum and forum and I am stuck in bed. On the bright side if it is ice cream poisoning I'm dying of I will die happy. I have always loved ice cream, what girl without a legitimate medical reason doesn't. I ate an entire ice cream cake by myself to celebrate my lactose intolerant roommate's birthday. None of the ice cream I have ever had compares to what I've been getting in Europe.
Gelato in France

Gelato in Italy

More gelato in Italy

I don't care what you think I like gelato in Italy 

My all time favourite flavour is green apple gelato and they have it everywhere here. I got half pineapple once but green apple is clearly superior. It is so soft with just a little bite to it and really sweet but melts much faster. 
So there you have it, a post on gelato. 
Once again shout out to those who know where title quote comes from. 

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