Tuesday, July 8, 2014

"I do not think it means what you think it means"

Lovely quote from the Princess Bride. Sorta relates to the cultural understanding problems I had today. We had literature class today and the reading was pretty difficult. As an American however it proved to be more than that. What I thought was a sad story about a young boy being led astray by his uncle away from the Church and towards communism was apparently a comedic story about a naive little boy who doesn't know how to use a word properly. Communism does not have the same connotations over here, neither does Karl Marx. I was so confused and the teacher couldn't understand why. The non-American students stared laughing at me when I was asking my questions. ("Of course his mother should be appalled, that's a communist ideal, very bad!") It is really interesting to see another side to what we've always learned in school. (Though the teacher in general was saying weird things, the other students agreed with me there. I did not spend years in English lit analyzing authors perspectives to be told that writing has no morality in it.)
I went to lunch at Mamie Bigoude again. Probably won't do it again though. It is much easier to spend around four euros at the supermarket.

My salad was pretty good though. 

This is what ketchup packets look like here! 

I enjoyed going out even though we were late. I'm glad I've made friends with the other students in my class. It is great to see some unique views of the world. I believe there were six nationalities represented at lunch today. 

Okay so I was walking back from the train station which is straight down the road I live on and I pass this on the way back. 
It's just like a building was half taken out. That pink room is a bathroom. 

The other side, I just don't believe I've ever seen this before. 

Probably gonna take a nap now and maybe view the game later. These past few days I've been really tired, I'm hoping to get beyond that today or tomorrow. 

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