Monday, July 21, 2014

Mont Saint-Michel and San Malo

Saturday we went on a trip to Mont Saint-Michel and San Malo. It was pouring, like seriously pouring. We thought it was going to be sunny. When we got to Mont Saint-Michel the power was out. 
The island as we were walking up. When the tide comes in it is inaccessible. 

The road - we kept comparing everything there to Hogsmeade and Hogwarts. The major store there is actually only one letter off from the French name for Hogwarts (Poudlard).

Panorama from near the top, by the abbey.

Another view.

From the abbey. 

San Malo.

San Malo.

Still San Malo.

Ashley wrote this in the sand. If you can't make it out it says Mount Takes France! 

I guess it was fun. The rain really brought our spirits down and the bus ride was four hours both ways. It got sunny around the time we arrived at San Malo though. It was fun to go to the beach - it smelled like home to me. I really miss the breeze. I went wading but I have a cut on my foot and it ending up hurting, like a lot. 
This morning one of the Chinese girls who lived with us went back to China. It was very sad last night. She and the other one and one of their friends cooked an authentic Chinese dinner for us and it was great. I loved the caramelized pork. 
Also we had a small photo shot on the beach, indulge my vanity once again. 

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