Saturday, July 5, 2014

Il pleure dans mon coeur...

As you can see an awesome thing about rain is the rainbow (arc-en-ciel) that follows. This picture was taken on the train on the way to Paris. It was quite an adventure but I'll talk about that later. It is very nice to be visiting with family. I got to see my first-ever round of golf today. My cousin was in a tournament and I with his parents followed all eighteen holes despite the weather. It was a new experience, I don't know where the players find the patience. It was so quiet I wanted to scream. I guess every sport is different. I got to hear a lot of what I assume were French curse words though. I even got to meet the neighbour who was quite surprised that I spoke French. Also stick shifts are the norm here. I can't recall ever driving in one before and sitting in my uncle's car with all of the constant gear changing was interesting. Maybe I'll learn how to drive like that someday.  
Title comes from poem by Paul Verlaine that I actually studied and memorized for French class first semester. 

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