Wednesday, July 16, 2014

"Like 'happy birthday I got you that town in France you wanted' rich."

It's really amazing how rich some of these people have to be. We went to two castles today and the second one is still owned and maintained by a family. Once again I am very tired so I'm gonna leave you with the pictures I took at Château d'Azay-le-Rideau and Villandry. So far Villandry has been my favourite. (That's the one where the family still owns it.) They are very famous for their gardens, which are magnificent but since today was the first time July decided to July (aka be hot) I wasn't much up for exploring them.

Guy explaining stuff again.

This is all brand new, just done last year - the video on it was cool.

I feel like this is a really famous picture.

Spiral staircases are gonna be the death of me.

So, not a single thing in this room has been changed?

Outlet directly below sign saying nothing has been changed.

First picture of Villandry. 

The person is my roommate, I was stalking her.


Summer dinning room.

Complete with fountain.

I can live with this type of spiral.

Current owner.

Centuries old tapestry in a relatively young castle. 

See the Middle Eastern influence on this room of the castle.

I want.

The keep.

I mean what a view.

See the lavender gardens!


The other Mounties in the tower.

Nice view of the castle.

Some other building near the castle. Probably their guesthouse or something.

Shout out to those who know where the title comes from!

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