Monday, June 30, 2014

First Day

Today could have been better. We got up early and walked to school where we took an oral placement test. Our official results will be posted tomorrow. Then we had to attend some presentations in a room not made for the amount of people in it. After they gave us a little tour of Tours which we were very much not interested in. Then lunch with Dr. and Madame from a small sandwich shop. I keep trying new drinks here and the Tropical Oasis is interesting. All the drinks here are different from America. Not just brand but flavour and type offered. You don't find fruit juice the same way you do in America. The stuff you do find is not the sugar with some artificial flavouring, sad for me who normally subsists off of sugar, sugar, and more sugar. There is a lot of bread here but not the same amount of salt. I bought a phone for communications in France, and I did it without someone translating between me and the vendor. I also got a student id so here's hoping for some great discounts. Our host mother is warming up to us and our habits. She is very nice and her dog is just ridiculous, I'm just not sure what the dogs name is. I'll probably say more on the topic of meals later but it is so different from being at home or even some days at school where I make or grab something on my own and eat it in bed. There are courses and dishes and it is all homemade except the dessert which are called cakes here but I would know them as petit fours. All the food is good though. I've been trying new things and some I don't like but I am trying. I'm a bit of a picky eater with some allergies so I usually stay with the same things but I want to branch out here. Also I'm not allergic to white bread here so that is a major plus. I hope I get a lot of sleep tonight to be well rested for the first day of actual classes tomorrow.

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